Thursday 26 March 2009

Week Ten

Facial Features

This week will be spent creating the facial features for my caveman:


I created the caveman's nose by pulling out vertex and face on on and around the area i had left for the nose. I moved vertex until I got the desired shape and size and then it was time to created the nostrils. The nostrils were created by selecting faces under the nose about the size of a nostril. i then deleted these faces so it left a hole. i selected the edges of around the hole i had created and held down shift. i dragged the nostril up the nose to create a deep hole up the nose which created the nostrils.


The next feature to create was the lips. I selected faces on the front of the face in the space for the mouth and extruded them out slighty and then moved the vertex into shape to create the shape of the lips. I then used the connect tool to create a ringle line of thin faces between the two lips. i selected these faces and extruded them in the face. this created a gap between the two lips, creating the mouth.


Then came the eyes, at first i just created still eyeballs using the sphere shape tool and then added an eye material to make them look more realistic. However when i get to the animation i want to animate his eyes so i will then create an eye which has eye lids which can rotate so they can open and close.


Finally I created the ear, i have created an ear in modelling before however had difficulty attatching it so therefore this time I created the ear from the side of the head so that it was already attatched. I selected faces on the side of the head in the right space for the the ear and of similar size. I then extruded it out, and created more faces withing the space of the ear. I then moved faces in and out to created the shape of the ear.

Next I am going to look at attatching the body and head and then creating the clothing for the caveman, I will also sort out the materials.

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