Friday 13 March 2009

Week Seven

After creating the basic body shape last week, this week I wanted to get the caveman's body looking like I wanted it to, this meant moving many vertex and then toggling NURMS smooth on and off to see if the body was looking correct when rendered.

I started creating the large tummy area, I did this by selecting vertex on both the front and then side of the caveman and moving them out to created the rounded shape of his tummy.

I made his arms and legs larger so they were in proportion with his body, and then scaled his hands and feet bigger to also make them a more realistic size to the rest of him.

I then changed the colour of his body to a more realistic skin colour so it was more easy to see if it was looking correct.

After trying to create the correct shape i was very pleased with the outcome, creating the body for me was very challenging and i feel that my 3D studio Max skills are improving the more i use the software which i am very pleased about.

Next I will be attempting to start the caveman's head.


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