Wednesday 4 March 2009

Week Six

This week Jo was absent so I just carried on with my work. This week I started to work on creating the body for my caveman character. I wanted to create a large, round character with a beer belly, which of course a cave man would not have had.

I started creating my character from a box shape with enough segments to create a body like shape with many quads helping me form a smooth realistic body shape. I had only ever tried to create a body shape once before so this was a challenge.

I knew what I wanted my caveman's body to look like however to start of with I gave myself the task of just creating the basic body shape which I could then play around with in order to get the cave mans body looking like I wanted it to.

I started the body by just simply creating a tall box, with enough segments so that this created enough vertex to move around to create the desired shape.

I spent most of this week creating the basic body shape which looked nothing like I wanted my final body to look like but it was definitely a starting point which i could work with and I was very pleased with the body I had achieved.

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