Sunday 3 May 2009

Week Eleven

Almost all of the modelling is done now except for the clothing. I want him to wear like a cloth around his bottom section from his waist down to his knees. I am going to create this from his body not from a different object.

Over Easter i finished the modelling and added his clothing. To create his clothing I selected faces around his body where i wanted the clothing to be and i extruded them out slightly, i then had to move vertex to create a smoother shape for his clothing. once it looked how i wanted it to i the moved the vertex along the bottom of the clothing to create a rough zig-zag cut look.

After all the modelling was complete i decided to add materials. i did this using the material tool in 3D Studio Max. To get a realistic skin colour i searched on the internet for skin tones, found out the colour and created an image of the colour in photoshop. I then applied that image as a material in 3D studio Max. i did the same for the material of his clothing i found like an image of a dark brown fur material and then applied it to his clothing.

I also inserted the movable eyeballs into place and re-appplied the eye material so that his eyes look realistic.

Now that the modelling and materials are complete its time to skin, bone and animate.

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