Wednesday 4 February 2009

Week Two

The next thing to think about is the personality my character will have, personality is a very important part when i am creating this character as it is going to be the right personality which makes a likable or dis likable character for the children to relate to. The characteristics possessed by my character will influence his behaviour and reactions to various situations and hopefully these reactions and this behaviour is something children can relate to.

Feelings and Emotions


Here are a list of personality traits i feel my character should possess in order to be a likable and cartoon character for children to relate to.

Honesty: I want my character to have integrity and keeping one's promise.

Responsibility: To be accountable for things and following through with duties.

Loyalty: Showing devotion to people and/or things.

Enthusiasm: Having a strong affinity towards and eagerness/ willingness to work with others or things.

Influence: Motivating or encouraging others.

Compassion: Having sympathy and feelings for people with problems.

Patience: Being able to wait and taking time to do things.

Courage: Confronting danger or difficulties in spite of fear.

I want my caveman character to be a friendly, enthusiastic, likable, humorous and dim-witted. Because cavemen can be quite scary to see sometimes his personality will ned to shine through.

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