Tuesday 3 February 2009

Week Two

This week the lesson was not on as there was a snow day however After much research and thought into many ancient times and characters i decided that i wanted to create a cave man for my character.

I started to look at different Caveman images to get an idea of their behaviour, movement and posture. This will help me when i am creating and deciding on what my own character should look and behave like.

I also looked at Caveman cartoon character i was already familiar with such as Fred Flintstone and Captain Caveman. These are two very likable cartoon characters i myself have grown up watching.

Fred Flintstone tends to be loud-mouthed, aggressive, and constantly scheming.Fred is typical working class working at Slate Rock and Gravel Company.

Fred's interests include bowling, playing pool, poker, lounging around the house, and playing golf. At the first two of these, he is very skilled.

Fred's has a catchphrase "Yabba-Dabba-Doo!"

Captain Caveman is the main character he's a caveman who is thousands of years old.

He can pull various objects from his body hair. He can also fly, but his flying power always seems to conk out on him at the worst possible moment.

He speaks in stereotypical "caveman-talk", replacing subjective pronouns with their objective equivalents and dropping articles such as "the" for example "Me know where bad guys are hiding.", and often mumbles the nonsense phrase "unga bunga".

He also has a bad habit of occasionally eating non-food objects such as bicycles, TV sets, table lamps.

Captain Caveman's powers include super-strength, a variety of useful objects hidden inside his fur, and a club that allows him to fly and from which pops out different tools he uses to fight crime.

His trademark is his battle cry of "Captain CAAAAAAAVEMAAAAAAAAANNNN!!!!"

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