Tuesday 10 February 2009

Week Three

Cavemen can be very different and sometimes scary to look at especially for children so i want his movements and body language to be quite calm and not to hasty. The build of my character is going to be quite big and bulky and i want him to possess personality and body language quite the opposite to this big bulky physique. I want him to be quite slow moving which will relate to his dim-witted personality trait and he Will sometimes be a bit slow getting the grasp of things. His body language will be relaxed with his hands by his side, not threatening and his face will posses a friendly smile and big doting eyes. Its his personality and body language which will make him a friendly character children can connect with.

When thinking about the storyline i am going to undertake using this character i come up with the idea of the caveman appearing in modern times maybe a modern street or house. This will be a location and environment he is very unfamiliar with so he will be a little lost and confused. He will then encounter little modern problems which he will have to solve. such as the names of new objects he finds, adding up sum etc and also showing the children objects he is familiar with which they may not be. These problems will be things which children encounter also as they grow up and gain knowledge, therefore i think it would be engaging for children to help this caveman learn while learning new things themselves at the same time.

The modelling of both my character, objects and environments will all be created using 3D studio Max. I have some experience with 3D Max and character animation however i have not created anything to this level and therefore it will be a great challenge and learning curve for me.

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