Tuesday 17 February 2009

Week Four

Environment Ideas

As mentioned before i want my caveman character to appear in modern times, the total opposite of what he is use to. I have done some research and looked at images of the type of environment he mite be use to, and also looked at some modern environments he mite be able to appear in.

He would of come from and environment with with no electricity, no money or anywhere to spend it, no roads or cars to drive and no house to live in. These are all things which children are familiar with in their modern environment today. Cavemen used a variety of materials in their environment to make tools and equipment and they lived in tents and caves, hunting for food.

The modern environments the caveman will appear in will be very different to this.

Modern Environments

The modern environment will be a whole new world to learn about for the caveman and he will face new things to learn. The modern environment will just be an everyday surrounding such in a house, a modern street, beach etc.

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